When using your computer everyday, you interact with many different programs and software from your operating system and web browser to your email client and word documents. Many computers these days come various programs on them and a lot of them are just test versions or just not what you are looking for, we call them bloatware. One of the first things we recommend when buying a new computer is to remove all this software and start off with a fresh clean machine.
One of our jobs is to help you clean off your computer and help you find the software that you need to meet your needs. Whether you need Microsoft Office, QuickbBooks, some type of antivirus to speciality software like video editing, media players and more, we can meet your needs. CodingCREW has partnered with several manufacturers in an effort to secure and provide software to our customers at an extremely fair pricing and in some cases for free (with free versions).

Whether we help you get our software or you get it yourself, having it installed correctly is just as important, especially if the programs are going to be shared by more than one person, such as QuickBooks. Our goal is to ensure proper installation and configuration of your programs, operating systems and more. We will work with you to ensure that your programs are running correctly, that all the latest updates are in place and we will work with you to show you how to use it.
Some of the many programs that we can get:
- Windows 10 – OEM
- Windows 8 – OEM
- Microsoft Office – several versions
- Adobe Acrobat
- Google Chrome
- Avast Antivirus – free and paid
- Malwarebytes – free and paid
- Superantispyware – free and paid
- Firefox
- Photoshop
- Camtasia
- Corel
- Draftsight
- AVG Antivirus
- More